Python PostgreSQL – Why Psycopg2 Fails in Google App Engine


I want connect my app that are in GAE with ElephantDB. I want use the lib psycopg2 and I found a problem. I installed the lib in local to test it and work perfectly and then I installed the lib in lib folder on my app as I have done many times with other libs.

This time with pip install -t appname/lib/ psycopg2
So, dev server dectect the lib, but say me that :

ImportError: No module named psycopg2._psycopg

At first I thought that the problem was python version that dev_server was executing, but in doc I read that dev runs with 2.7 version and I was doing my tests in 2.7 too. So, I don't understand what is the problem. Why the lib not works fine in dev_server?

Any idea? This problem happens in local, I have not upload the code yet.

Best Answer

I suggest you go back and read the docs on the python sandbox once you do you will find that appengine front end is not capable of running psycopg2. You would need to find a pure python postgres lib and have a paid app to have outbound sockets.

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