Xcode 10 – Valid Provisioning Profile Not Found


Since yesterday I've been getting the following error when trying run an app on my device:

A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."

This is after updating to Xcode 10. Building with Xcode 9 last week worked without issues. I've checked the other discussions about the error, but none of the solutions works.

The issue isn't limited to a single project I've been working on as it affects several all from different signing teams.

So far I've tried the following:

  • Cleaning project

  • Cleaning derived data

  • Uninstalling Xcode, deleting any preferences and files related to it.

  • Installing Xcode on a completely different Mac

  • Testing with different devices

  • Disabling device in developer profile and letting Xcode enable it again.

  • Deleting all certificates in the developer portal and recreating them

  • Unchecking and rechecking "Automatically manage signing"

  • Trashing the provisioning profile and letting Xcode recreate it

  • Creating a manual provisioning profile in the developer profile

The project contains no tests so there can't be a problem with wrong signing settings on that target. Date / Time is set to Automatic

One thing of note is that no Provisioning Profiles are listed here, except for the manual one I created: https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/

I'd expect the xcode generated one to show up as they do for all other clients.

Below are the signing settings I'm currently using

provisioning profile settings

I've yet to try downgrading Xcode to an older version to see if that works. Other than that I have no idea of what to try next.

Best Answer

I was struggling with this today, it was super frustrating. For now, just go into "File" > "Project Settings..." (or in some cases "Workspace Settings...") and then select "Legacy Build System" from the "Build System" dropdown.

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